
Use of Radios

  1. Whilst the use of VHF radios by the free flying community is of dubious legitimacy it does provide some clear benefits. There is, however a negative aspect to radio use. So, whilst not encouraging or condoning the practice, the following advice is intended to be helpful to those pilots who wish to participate.
  2. The benefits
  3. There is a negative side to radio use. It is frequently cited as the most annoying part of flying. Common complaints are:
  4. It is vital to remember that when using a radio you are in public space. It is not a cell phone, your messages are not private but can be heard over considerable distances.
  5. The essence of acceptable radio usage is good Voice Procedure (VP).


If you have an emergency, you need to use one of the 2 emergency words in your call. If you hear one of these transmissions, you should stop transmitting and listen out. If you can assist directly with the caller, then transmit.

Mayday - A Mayday radio call should be reserved for life threatening situations.

Pan-Pan - A Pan-Pan radio call should be used for urgent situations that are not immediately life threatening, but require assistance

When making a emergency call, say the keyword 3 times, i.e. "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday" followed by who you are, where you are and the nature of your emergency. Other pilots may need to relay the message or contact the emergency services if the pilot in distress cannot them directly.

Technical Issues

If you are new to VHF radios take advice. A wide range of radios are available including cheap Chinese models many of which don’t fall apart or burst into flame when charging. Get to know your radio before appearing on launch and ensure you can master the basics.

It is neither practicable nor desirable to be prescriptive on radio use. Pilots must make their own decisions but please have consideration for other pilots.

(Note: None of the pilots’ names used above relate to any actual pilots living or dead)